This is the documentation guide for the LIFE RP Skill add-on

Skills & Roles Overview
Skills is the newest major update & the first ever core add-on to the LIFE RP System!!! Gain skills by using skill enabled LIFE RP furniture, NPC interactions production, and more! Now in addition to gaining production items from Farming, Gardening, Cleaning, Cooking, etc., you can earn skills for every production item you make and be rewarded for your progression.
Registering your Skill Add-on for the first time
You only need to wear the skill check hud included in the system package and click check skills one time to register. Once you register, you no longer need to wear the skill hud to gain skills.
Career role level advancement
All skills have Career role levels from 1-5. Go from a Farm Hand to an Agriculturist, Home Cook to Gourmet Chef, Para-legal to Corporate Lawyer, Paramedic to Doctor and many more roles to come with career progression based on the skills you pursue. Focus on the skills that suit the career of your RP character, or become a jack of all trades and master them all! Roles can be changed anytime allowing you to gain any skills you choose.
Skills are also heavily integrated into LIFE RP Community sims with over 20 different skills focused career paths scripted into into a variety of RP settings, so you are rewarded for your working your role in the community, included law, science music, art, business, medical and much more!
Advantages to special Skill Career roles
Every skill role offers advantages in crafting, production, & community RP, like level bypassing or exclusive special role production items. Certain skill roles also have special but crucial abilities that other roles do not within RP, For example only forensic scientist can get the name of the player that killed another, a crucial role for crime RP, only medical roles like Doctor can diagnose and treat severe illnesses, only scientists can create certain drugs, only lawyers can remove certain criminal charges, etc. So player roles play a crucial part in connecting with players to help each other with LIFE RP needs. The skills add-on was made to maximize player to player interactions. Your role in your community now matters.