This page will help you get started with farming in LIFE RP.

Getting started:
Just like other LIFE RP items, farming focuses on production, specifically farm related production.
💭Production is referred to as any process that takes items (ingredients) to produce another item according to a recipe (amounts/types of ingredients required to make it).
🔢Level Requirements: Farm plots range in level requirements starting at level 1 & going up to level 20 . The “Farm Hand” role is the starter role (accessible through the main LIFE RP system) for the farming skill. Setting your role to “Farm Hand” will bypass farm plot level requirements up to level 3 while this role is active on your system player allowing you to immediately start farming as a new player. You will also need this role active when turning in farming skills to get the Lvl 2 farming skill hud & Farmer role. More on farming skill at the bottom of this page.
To learn how to set your role, read the full LIFE RP – SYSTEM GUIDE.
All farm plots unlock at level 20 with batch option, no matter what role you are. However its faster an easier to gain farming skill vs XP, so if you want to unlocked production items faster, roles are the best option. ⚠️Please check the level requirement on the farm plot before purchase.
⚠️❗❗WARNING ❗❗Make sure you have registered your Inventory with the LIFE RP HUD before you start farming & adding ingredients or you will lose them. We will not replace lost ingredients for failure to register. For instructions on how to register your LIFE RP Inventory & Skill Add-on for the first time, visit the QUICK START GUIDE or SYSTEM GUIDE
🟢 Farm Ingredients:
Farming ingredients like seeds, feed, etc. are loaded exactly like all other LIFE RP INVENTORY items/ingredients .
🌽To Load Ingredients >>Rez the ingredient on the ground (attaching will not work). Make sure you are within 5 meters of the ingredients and then touch once. Once empty, it will disappear and the ingredients will be loaded into your LIFE RP Inventory.

🟢Farm Crops:
🌽To plant your crop >> Rez the farm plot on the ground. The field will be empty when you first rez it. Farm plots with no produce growing will say “field is empty”.
🌽Click it and click the crop name.. It will check you ingredients in your inventory, if you have all the ingredients you need, it will ask you to confirm you want to start planting. If you are advanced level or farmer role, you will see batch (25 units) & bulk (50) options.
All crops need seed, water & fertilizer to grow. You can get all these ingredients for LC$ at the mainstore
🌽Once planted, Crops take 6 hours to grow. It will say “[% its approaching] almost complete. ” and a status bar above the crop while it grows if you have show hover enabled,
🌽Once the crop is done growing it will say “ready to harvest” and show the finished full grown crop. Click it to harvest the plot and receive the produce. Field will reset after you have harvested it. ⚠️(please give the plot 20 secs to fully reset before planting more or the farm plot may not be responsive. Reset is usually complete after you receive your xp, farming skill & produce for your harvest)

≣ Plot Owner Menu Options ≣ –
The owner menu of each farm plot gives additional options for customizing the plot.
⏺️Soil – This button toggles the show/hide for the soil of the plot incase you want to use your own soil.
⏺️Everyone/Group/Private – This button toggles farm plot permissions. The button text will show what permission the plot is currently set to
⏺️Show/Hide Hover – This button will turn the floating text on or off for all of your farm plots currently rezzed near you.

🟢Farm Animals (Production animals)
Farm animals are used for production, to produce animal by products like milk & eggs, or to breed more farm animals. There are 2 general types of farming animals: poultry & livestock.
🐔Poultry Farm Animals (Turkey, Chicken, Ducks)
>>Poultry Farm Animals/Coups – produce eggs & baby birds (chick, turkeyling, & duckling)
✨Single Female birds can only produce eggs. [Single Bird Amounts = 5 unit of egg in 6 hrs.]
✨Egg Coups – Produce eggs only. [Coup Amounts = 5, 25 (BATCH) & 50 (BULK) in 4 hours.]
✨Chick/Turkeyling/Duckling Coups – Produce baby birds, adult bird & Farm Poultry Animals. These coups will always have a male bird inside. [1, 3 (BATCH) & 5 (BULK) in 6 hours.]
🐮Livestock Farm Animals (Sheep, Goat, Pig, Cow)
✨Male Livestock Farm Animals – produce semen (for breeding) & manure*
✨Female Livestock Farm Animals – produce milk (cow & goat only), baby animals, & manure.*
**Both male & female Sheep additionally produce wool.

🟢Breeding Farm Animals
🐔Breeding Poultry –
To breed Bird Farm Animals, you will need a chick coop with a male bird inside. Single female birds cannot produce chicks.
✨Baby Bird production – requires: BirdFeed, Hay, AnimalSupplement, & Water.
✨Adult Bird production – requires baby bird ingredient (duckling, chick, or turkeyling), BirdFeed, Hay, AnimalSupplement, & Water
✨Farm Bird production – requires: Adult bird ingredient, BirdFeed, Hay, AnimalSupplement, & Water
*Birds do not require insemination since the male bird is always in the bird coup. Male birds are not sold separately from the coup.
🐮Breeding Livestock –
STEP 1>> Breeding Livestock farm animals requires insemination. You will need to collect semen from the male first (Bull, Billy Goat, Ram,Male Pig).
✨Animal Semen production : requires Animalfeed, Water, and AnimalSupplement. >>Produces 5 units in 5 minutes.
STEP 2>>Once you have collected the semen from the male, you can start production of the baby animal with the female livestock animal (cow, goat, sheep, female pig).
✨Baby Animal production: requires: [Animal Semen], AnimalSupplement, Hay, AnimalFeed, & Water. Only Female Livestock can produce baby farm animals, no other production item can produce baby livestock (but you can also purchase the baby animal from the main store to skip this step). Touch the backside of the female in order to inseminate and start the pregnancy. When the female gives birth and the baby animal is ready to be collected, the baby animal will be beside it.
STEP 3>>Once you have the baby animal, you can use a LIFE RP barn or a pro barn stall to continue to raise it into an Adult animal (or you can butcher the lamb and calf for lambmeat, veal, & rennet)
✨Adult Animal production: requires: [Baby Animal Ingredient}, AnimalSupplement, Milk, Hay, AnimalFeed, & Water.
STEP 4 >>This is the adult stage of the animal however, the animal is still an inventory ingredient. Once you have an adult animal ingredient you can make a choice to butcher it for meat with the butcher table or continue to raise it in a barn to produce a farm animal. Only the barn or pro barn stalls can produce farm animals from adult Livestock. The mother animal can only produce babies. Only pro barn stalls will show the growth progression of the both baby to adult, and farm animals. When you start production, the baby
✨Farm Animal Production: requires [Adult Animal Ingredient}, AnimalSupplement, Milk, Hay, AnimalFeed, & Water.
- Farm Pig – [LIFE RP] ⇐ Pig
- Farm Goat – [LIFE RP] ⇐ Goat
- Farm Sheep – [LIFE RP] ⇐ Sheep
- Farm Cow – [LIFE RP] ⇐ Cow
>>> Once Farm animals are ready to be collected, you will get receive a working production farm animal (note: all Bred Farm animals are females. You cannot currently breed male farm animals)
>>All steps of the breeding process for both Livestock & Poultry requires AnimalSupplement. AnimalSupplement can be purchased from the LIFE RP main store or a Depot store in a LIFE RP Partner sim. AnimalSupplement also available in higher level farm skill crates.

🟢Standard Production Times for Farming
These production times are the standard however some items may have different times, please use as a general guide
✨Farm Animals (Livestock) – 24 Hours (Classic Barn) 12 Hours (Pro Barn Stalls)
✨Adult Animals (Livestock) – 12 Hours (with mother animal) 6 Hours (Pro Barn Stalls & Pro Farm Animals)
✨Baby Animals (Livestock) – 12 Hours 6 Hours (Pro Farm Animals)
✨Animal Production (excluding breeding & manure (Livestock will automatically leave manure every 6 hours) (Milk, Wool, Semen from Animals) – 10 mins
✨Long Farm Production (Beehive, Compost Bin, Cheese Press) – Generally 6 hours (standard) 3 hours (Pro)
✨Quick Farm Production (Barn Table, Butcher Table, Mill, Butter Churn) – Generally 4 mins (standard) 2 mins (Pro)
🟢Standard Production Amounts for Farming
These production amounts are the standard however some items may have different amounts, please use as a general guide
✨Farm Plot & Produce amounts: >Standard (1 seed) – 5 units, >BATCH (5 seeds) – 25 units, >BULK (10 seeds) – 50 units
✨Butchered Meats – Each animal butchered gives 25 units of meat or 50 units leather or rennet selected (no batch/bulk).
✨Other Farm Production items – Generally Standard 5 units
**UNLOCKING BATCH & BULK*** Batch & Bulk are auto unlocked when you reach a certain level or a certain farming skill role. Batch costs 5x regular ingredient amounts. Bulk (bulk units) costs 10x. All Farm plots & Farm Animals have batch & bulk options. Only select other farm production items have this option (varies depending on item, may update in the future).
>>Batch – Unlocked Level 20 or Farmer Role
>>Bulk – Unlocked Level 30 or Local Farmer Role
>>Commercial Plots/Production COMING SOON – Level 50 or Commercial Farmer Role or Agriculturalist Role. Commercial farming produces 2x bulk. Must buy commercial plots and production separate from standard plots.
<<<<< All production amounts & times Subject to change at any time in the future….>>>>>
🟢Other Farm Production Items:
Additional farming production items include:
- Mill – Produces AnimalFeed from wheat & corn and BirdFeed from corn & sunflowers, Salt, Sugar, Flour, Oatmeal & CornMeal
- Barn – Produces both adult animals from baby animals & Farm Animals from adults (mammals only, birds breed in coups)
- Pro Barn Stalls – Produces both adult animals from baby animals & Farm Animals from adults
- Butcher Table – Produces meat, ground meat & rennet from adult animals (Ingredient animals only, you cannot butcher farm production animals.
- Barn Table – produces AnimalFeed from Hay
- Meat Grinder – produces GroundBeef, GroundChicken, & GroundTurkey from adult animals
- Tractor – produces 25 hay (125 pro) & 2 (10 pro) Farming Skill after 10 mins (only way to currently get Hay), 1xp every 5 mins (will unsit after 10 mins to avoid camping). (No lvl requirement for both standard & pro version. )
- Beehive – produces honey from rosemary ( sunflower & lavender honey coming soon)
- Butter Churn – produces butter from milk, salt & water
- Cheese Press – produces a variety of cheeses from milk, salt, vinegar and rennet & oil from olives and sunflowers.
- Compost Bin – produces fertilizer from soil & manure or ort & bait from ort & soil
Invisible versions of most farm production items will be released in the future.

PRO farm tools are the premium versions of their counterparts. Pro purchases greatly help keep the system going! So as a reward, pro tools have advantages like faster production time or a greater harvest yield. PRO items can come in modern & classic version.
If you want to request a pro version of a production item, please use the suggestions channel in the LIFE RP Discord
🟢Disclaimers & Exchanges
⚠️❗❗WARNING ❗❗ DO NOT remove scripts from any farming items. Script will not work inside other items and may delete or break. We will not replace farm plots due to script removal and it voids your ability to exchange it.
⚠️❗❗WARNING ❗❗ DO NOT take animal or farm plot into inventory while it’s in production. The farm item script can break and not only lose your production progress, but permanently break the object. We will not replace farm items due to disruption to the production process.
✅ All purchased production items including animals & farm plots have an exchange script so you can exchange them in the mainstore when there is updates or fixes. Bred animals cannot be exchanged, only purchased animals.
Detailed production recipes and a master farm ingredient list will be posted when the LIFE RP WIKI is complete.
🟢Farming Skill

🧑🌾️Farming skills are gained when ever you harvest/collect a framing production. Farming skill gained when growing crops is equal to the amount of seed used to produce the crop. Farming skill gained for all other items is 1 skill unit per item/ingredient produced. Farming skill can be traded in for the following roles using the Farming Role Hud. You can get the level one of the Farming Role Hud in the farming section of the LIFE RP MAINSTORE, role upgrade starting from the Farmer starter role “Farm Hand” (Lvl 1) to unlock the levels in order of role lvl progression:
- Farmer (Role Lvl 2) <<< cost 250 Farming Skill
- Local Farmer (Role Lvl 3) <<< cost 500 Farming Skill
- Commercial Farmer (Role Lvl 4) <<< cost 750Skill
- Agriculturist (Role Lvl 5) <<< cost 1000 Skill
🧑🌾️Higher Farm roles can access current farm plots sooner and bypass level requirements. Farm roles can also turn in earned farm skills for a level xp boost & Farm Skill Crates. Skill crates contain free gift ingredients related to the skill. The higher lvl Farming role you are, the higher level skill crates you unlock (high level crates generally have more and higher value ingredients) . See below to see what each farm skill crate contains:
- LVL 1 Farming Skill Crate – Contains Classic Farm Essentials Bundle (Classic Barn, Classic Butcher Table, Classic Barn Table, Fertilizer, Soil, Rosemary, Corn, Water, Hay, Wheat, & Ort, Salt, Milk) – cost 250 skill
- LVL 2 Farming Skill Crate – Contains Farm Essentials Bundle (BATCH 5 x more ingredients) – cost 500 skill
- LVL 3 Farming Skill Crate – Contains Farm Essentials Bundle (BULK – 10x more ingredients) – cost 750 skill
- LVL 4 Farming Skill Crate – Contains Poultry Breeding Bundle (Baby & Adult Poultry Animals + Bulk BirdFeed, Water, & AnimalSupplement- cost 1000 skill
- LVL 5 Farming Skill Crate – Contains Livestock Breeding Bundle – (Baby & Adult Livestock Animals) + Bulk Hay, AnimalFeed, Livestock Semen, & AnimalSupplement & Water – cost 1500 skill
🧑🌾️COMMERCIAL PLOTS COMING SOON! Commercial plots are special farming plots that only Commercial Farmer & Agriculturist roles can use. They produce 100 units per production. Commercial plots will require additional ingredients (GMO & Pesticide). Agriculturists can grow organic produce on commercial plots (no GMO & pesticide requirement).
🟢More information on the Skills & Role huds on the Skills Guide —>
<<<<If any features is not available yet in store, it will be coming soon! This page will be updated as needed. Please join the discord and enable notifications for the “Updates” channel for the most up to date changes & release notes>>>>