This page explains about LIFE RP currency (luxcoin), jobs, timeclocks, & IRS checks.

Save cash (L$) Linden by earning and using LC$ : The future is crypto in the LIFE RP UNIVERSE.
💵 The official LIFE RP in-game currency is called Luxcoin (LC$), a crypto currency created by the Luxembourg’s (more on the lore and backstory here📖).
💵Luxcoin is LIFE RP’s own roleplay money system apart from lindens that gives you the opportunity to save a ton of money on consumable goods that are what makes roleplaying in SL so expensive in common RP Systems. These essential roleplay goods, like ingredients, medicines, animals, etc., need to be repurchased over and over again with real money in order for you to continue to play, draining your account indefinitely. LIFE RP puts priority in players over profit.
It was important in development to ensure their was a greater opportunity for roleplay than pay for play, and no player would be limited in experience based on cost. When more people can participate, the roleplay becomes richer and more dynamic and the LIFE RP community can grow.
This is why Luxcoin Currency is a gamechanger for RP systems & overall roleplay. We have created our own currency for our economy. ALL LIFE RP Consumables ACCEPT LUXCOIN! Never worry about L stopping your RP again. Including ALL ingredients for cooking, ALL ingredients for farming including seeds, water, fertilizer, etc, ALL OFFICIAL Medicines, and more. are available at the LIFE RP main store for LC$ purchase. If you don’t want to RP and earn LC$, you can pay L$ from the same vendors, however, when you are ready to save the option is always there.
So how does LIFE RP make any money to function? Don’t you need to pay for development and stuff?

Well… Yes 😅. We still need to make enough to continue to fund development, mesh, server costs, animations, etc. So to fund the LIFE RP PROJECT, production tools (things like farm plots, ovens, animals that breed, etc. ) must be purchased from the LIFE RP main store with Linden (L$). However these are only one time purchases with free lifetime updates (even the no copy items 😁). Everything else can be purchased with the LC$.
❓How to get Luxcoin
There are many ways of getting LC$ dollars into your account.
🟡 Level up bonus
Level up! You will get 250 LC$ every time you level up.
🟡 Money transfer
Get payment Directly from another citizen. You can transfer and receive LC$ from other players 2 ways:
- 🏧 ATM TRANSFER – Players can send LC$ to any LIFE RP player anywhere on the grid with a LIFE RP ATM. You need the full inworld name of the player you wish to send to, and they must be already registered to receive it. (must include “Resident” as the last name for one usernames that do not have a last name.
To send LC$ to players who are nearby, you can use the LIFE RP – Luxcoin Debit Card Hud.
- 💳 DEBIT CARD TRANSFER – You can use your debit card HUD to transfer LC$ currency to players that are within 5 to 10 m of you.


Clicking anywhere on your debit card hud will bring up the above menu.
✪ Transfer – This button is used to transfer funds to players nearby.
✪ Balance – This button is used to check your current LC$ balance.
Simply click on your debit card. Click transfer. The card will scan for nearby players, then you can select the player you wish to transfer to and enter any amount to send. Unlike ATMs, there is no set amounts you can send at a a time.
💵 A Luxcoin Debit Card Hud is provided to you in your system package. If you did not receive one, visit the main store or the Luxe LA Bank. Or if purchased on marketplace, ask for redelivery. Wear it to use. It attaches to upper right corner of your screen by default. You will automatically open a LC$ currency account when you register with the main LIFE RP system.
💵This LC$ debit card will allow you to pay for services with LC$ dollars directly to another player (for certain services that except Luxcoin only)
>>>>>You do not need your debit card hud attached to earn LC$, Receive LC$, purchase items with LC$ vendors or send money via ATM. You only need your debit card to check your balance and to pay close players>>>>
🟡 Use the LC$ vendors to sell any item
Get the LC$ vendors & LC$ vendor scripts FREE included in the LIFE RP System Package.
LIFE RP VENDORS & vendor scripts are used to to sell objects with an LC$ currency pay option.
There are 2 types of LIFE RP Vendors:
1]🔹LC$ only – ONLY Accepts LC$ (Luxcoin) payments
2]🔹LC$ and L$ – Accepts BOTH LC$ (Luxcoin) & L$ (Linden) payments
LIFE RP VENDOR SCRIPTS provides an easy way for you to sell any items (LIFE RP created items or your own items) for LC$. LC$ paid to your vendors go straight to your LC$ account. Shop LIFE RP vendor affiliates for a variety of items including LIFE RP food, , services, drugs, and other LIFE RP items.
We are also accepting LIFE RP vendor affiliates to display in the main store. Anyone selling items with LIFE RP vendors are eligible to apply to advertise their location. Our aim is to showcase the growing availability of quality RP locations & affiliates that accept LC$. More info on the affiliate page.
💼 You can also work jobs for LC$ using LIFE RP TIMECLOCKS, make currency with criminal activities, and much more currency earning opportunities coming soon. Use your earned LC$ anywhere where it’s accepted. Vendors to sell your own objects for LC$ is available free at the main store. Check out the LIFE RP communities available on the Partners Page.
🟡 Time clocks & Skill Jobs
Working a job that pays LC$ and using a LIFE RP timeclock
🟡 LC$ safes
Safes in Luxe LA homes and Businesses ⭐️LUXE LA COMMUNITY EXCLUSIVE RESIDENT PERK⭐️ (Access your home safe and take Luxcoin out every 15 mins or rob others’ safes)
🟡 UBI Government Assistance (Universal Basic Income)
Welfare check… it’s not much, but’s something🤷. If you have under a certain amount you will be given 50 LC$ a day automatically from the LIFE RP Government while you are online and wearing your LIFE RP system.
BUT don’t thank Uncle Sam just yet😅…. you will have also have a daily tax 25LC$. NOTE: This tax is refundable by filing taxes at a LIFE RP tax service during the seasonal tax season. (based on availability. Only available in LIFE RP affiliated community sims.)
🟡 Criminal Activities
Criminal Activities like robbing the bank (You’ll need to exchange your dirty money for LC$ with a money washer… more on criminal rp coming soon)
🟡 More LC$ earning options coming soon….
LIFE RP Stock Market – Coming 2025!!
There are lots of role play jobs around LIFE RP cities, so you have options to explore your career passions Be whoever you’d like. Have fun role playing, work on your stats, and earn LC$ to pay for your LIFE food and medicine (the legal and illegal kind)! Unfortunately some employee seating decreases cheer since who actually enjoys their job, unless you have a fun work. You won’t know until you start punching in! Become a police officer, an ER doctor, a Starbuck$ barista, gas station clerk, grocery attendant, dog groomer, hair stylist, nail tech, even a working model! More jobs coming with the release of Skill Career Roles soon….
More detailed system documentation coming soon to the LIFE RP WIKI….